Alerts.City provides a quick collection of useful local information and alerts. Most of the info collected, compacted and displayed is from government sources. Most have links directly to their source.
Alerts.City grew from which focused on Duvall, WA. Alerts.City can currently address the United States. However, except for weather alerts and forecasts, data currently exists only near the Seattle area.
Mobile apps are now available!
Quick privacy info: When you choose to use your current location, only a coarse location is sent, then translated to a city/state. Your current location is not saved locally or remotely. Cities that you search on (typing or translated from location) are saved locally in your browser (only) in order to provide a quick-link to search again. You can remove them individually or by clearing your cache. No other personal information is retrieved nor saved.
The Alerts.City privacy policy is here: Privacy
A Facebook page has been set up for comments and questions.